產品類型 : POS Cash Drawer
型號 : Posiflex CR-3115
interface 接口: USB
Color 顏色 : Black 黑色
The Posiflex CR-3115 compact USB cash drawer boasts its high reliability
and durability. The CR-3100 series have screwless tamper-resistant design and robust case.
It offers adjustable 6 coin and 4 bill compartments for general use.
Key Features:
Compact cash drawer with innovative "Screwless" design
Ruggedized with reinforced steel
Large ball bearings design for smooth drawer slide
Precision mechanical fitting to assure wobble-free operation
5 adjustable bill compartments with plastic bill clip
5 fixed bill compartment with metal bill clip for CR-3100-US
Dimension: 400 mm (W) X 410 mm (D) X 85 mm (H)
Weight : 6.7 kg
# 外部無螺絲鎖入的專利設計
# 可調節紙鈔/硬幣的分隔
# 先進的設計將壽命提昇到1,000,000次以上
# 精密機構設計使錢箱開啟時不易搖晃
# 支票槽式設計給支票或大額紙鈔收藏用
# 三段安全鎖